There are many health benefits of owning a pet. They can increase opportunities for exercise, getting outdoors and socialisation. Regular walking and playing with our pets offers mental and physical stimulation for both pets and their owners.

Pets can help manage loneliness and depression by giving us companionship. Studies have shown that the bond between people and their pets can increase fitness levels, lower stress and bring happiness to their owners.

To take advantage of these benefits, we have come up with 7 fun ways to exercise with your dog, cat and pocket pets too!

7 Fun ways to exercise with your pet

7 Fun ways to exercise with your dog
7 Fun ways to exercise with your dog

Exercising with your dog

Dogs are not only loyal companions, they can be great fitness partners too! Exercising with your dog is a win-win. A dog is always excited to go. They will never cancel on you. They are always happiest when by your side. Who can say no to that enthusiastic, wagging tail? There are lots of fun ways to exercise with your dog.

Before taking on any strenuous exercise routines with your dog, it is worth checking in with your local vet. Certain exercises such as running and long walks are not recommended for puppies, whose bones haven’t finished growing or overweight dogs who may benefit from low impact exercise, such as swimming to take stress of their bones and joints. So if you have your concerns, check in with your vet first.

  1. Visit an off leash park – great for socialising, walking, running and playtime with a ball or frisbee.

  2. Go to a dog friendly beach – dogs just love all that sand and water for digging, swimming, fetching and exploring.

  3. Play tug-a-war or catch – great for your upper body strength and you will both get to enjoy some special time together, whilst burning off some energy.

  4. Teach them a new trick – a wonderful way to form a closer, more communicative bond with your dog. Keep training sessions brief and positive and don’t forget to have fun!

  5. Nose work game – fun, versatile and mentally stimulating for dogs. Have your dog sit, then hide some treats around the house. Encourage your dog to “go find it”. Keep it fun and praise your dog along the way.

  6. Go for a walking tour – explore your local area, park or neighbourhood with your pooch by your side. You could also add in a stop at a dog friendly café for a refreshment.

  7. Take an obedience class – from puppy school to dog obedience classes, both are great for improving your pet’s manners, whilst strengthening your communicative bond at the same time.

7 Fun ways to exercise with your cat
7 Fun ways to exercise with your cat

Exercising with your cat

Encouraging your dog to play fetch or go for a walk is common practice, but many cat owners don’t realise the value of exercise for their feline companions. Although your cat won’t actively exercise like a dog, there are a number of fun ways to release the inner tiger in your cat and keep them active and mobile. Playing with your cat is a great bonding exercise and can be a big mood boost too!

  1. Cat tower or vertical space – cats love to climb so save your curtains and encourage your cat to climb or play on a cat tower, shelf or raised box. You can hide treats and place toys on their raised space for your pet to explore and discover.

  2. Home made toys – your cat will love batting around an empty toilet paper roll, you can also fray the ends using scissors for added enjoyment. Or pull a piece of string along the floor as if it’s alive. Your cat will love chasing after it. Just make sure you put the string away after playtime.

  3. Bubbles – fun to pop and chase, bubbles are a great toy for both visual stimulation and getting your cat active.  

  4. Wand toys – cats naturally love to hunt so wand toys are always a big hit. Attach some feathers or a play fur mouse to the end of a rod and start playing!

  5. Laser or torch play – cats love to chase a moving light. Just make sure play ends with your cat being able to catch his prey (some sort of toy), otherwise they will be left frustrated.

  6. Teach them a new trick – yes, cats can be taught tricks too! Fetch, sit and high-five are great tricks to start with. Keep training sessions brief and positive and don’t forget to have fun!

  7. Put cat play in your calendar – try to take some time out each day to play with your cat. Kittens will usually take the initiative to engage you in play, but older cats may need some encouragement. Vary it up and try to find activities that engage your cat’s interest. Most importantly, have fun together!

7 Fun ways to exercise with pocket pets

Exercising with your rabbit or guinea pig

Rabbits and guinea pigs are inquisitive and energetic pets and they need regular exercise to prevent them getting bored and restless.  These loveable pets thrive when given lots of attention and opportunities to exercise and play. Here are some fun ways to get your rabbit or guinea pig moving:

  1. Let them explore – one of the simplest games is to lie on the floor and let your pocket pet approach you. They will possibly sniff, crawl, hop on you and maybe even lick you! Watch out for nibbles. 

  2. Build an obstacle course – build an obstacle course out of cardboard boxes, tunnels, newspapers etc. You can add some balls for pushing around as well as some jumps for added fun.  

  3. Teach them a new trick – rabbits and guinea pigs are quite smart creatures. Have some fun and teach them some cool tricks such as coming when called, turning in circles, standing up and jumping through hoops.

  4. Hide the treat – hide a few treats then ask your pocket pet to “go find them”. Keep it fun and praise your pet along the way. Make your tone excited when they are getting closer and bored when further away.

  5. Bowling – a game of bowling can appeal to your rabbits and guinea pigs mischievous side. Set up bowling pins and watch as your pocket pet takes delight in nose-bonking them down.

  6. Floor time – let them loose by providing daily floor time in an enclosed space. A playpen is ideal which can be set up indoors (on an easy to clean surface) or outdoors (if its not too hot or cold). If outdoors, keep an eye on your pet at all times as they can easily slip through small openings and escape.

  7. Frequent handling & attention – is essential for your pets happiness. Enjoy spending time with them each day. Speak with them, play with them, cuddle them and pat them often.