
Desexing or neutering your pet is a routine surgical procedure that involves removing the animals reproductive organs to prevent unplanned breeding. This is commonly known as “castration” in male pets and “spaying” in female pets. This is the most frequent surgery performed by our vets and generally your pet is home by the evening of the surgery. The right age for desexing your pet can vary based on breed and size, however it is most common between 4 and 6 months.



Orthopaedic surgery in pets is a medical procedure related to bones, joints or associated tendons and ligaments. Common conditions include osteoarthritis, fractures to bones and joints and cranial cruciate ligament repair that may be a result of a trauma injury, a degenerative condition or a previous injury that has flared up a again.

Our skilled and experienced veterinarians and fully equipped surgical suite allows us to diagnose and treat a diverse range of such conditions. Our veterinarians will assess each case individually and provide the best advice for you and your pet.



Ophthalmic surgery involves the treatment of eye conditions. We use specialised equipment and methods to diagnose and treat your pet’s eyes. Many eye conditions can be treated medically, however specific conditions may require surgery.

Our surgery is fully equipped to handle many common conditions such as enucleation (eye removal operation), entropion (inward pointing eyelashes/eyelids), ectropion (outward facing lower eyelids), eyelid tumour removal, cherry eye surgery to correct protruding third eyelid in dogs and surgery to repair corneal ulcers on the eye surface. Referrals can also be made to a veterinary ophthalmologist for more specialised conditions and procedures.


Need an appointment?

Call us on 03 8784 4444 to book an appointment for your pet.

Soft Tissue

Soft tissue surgery relates to surgery on the skin, muscle or inside the abdomen or chest. Common soft tissue procedures include desexing, lump removals, caesareans, biopsies, wound stitch ups, removal of intestinal foreign bodies and exploratory laparotomies.

A very common need for soft tissue surgery is lump removal. Although most lumps are benign (not harmful), some are more serious (malignant). In such cases early removal and accurate diagnosis are important to maximise the chances of a good outcome. If you find a lump or bump on your pet, please make an appointment with one of our vets to have it checked out.  



In addition to dental health checks, our veterinarians have the expertise to perform a range of dental surgery procedures for your pet. This may include tooth extractions, oral tumour removal and emergency oral trauma treatments. We can also refer to a dental specialist for more complicated procedures.

Surgery. Woofpurnay Vet.
Surgery. Woofpurnay Vet.