Can pets get cold’s?

As the weather starts to cool down, coughs and colds can become more common. If you develop the sniffles, you may be worried about passing it on to your furry family members. If your pet has developed cold like symptoms such as coughing, sneezing or a runny nose you may be wondering what to do. We have created this guide to give you more information about cold like symptoms in your pet and how to look after them so your pet (and you) can start feeling better soon.


What is a cold?

A cold is a term used to describe a range of viruses that cause similar symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, runny eyes and nose. In humans the rhinovirus is a common culprit, however there are a number of other viruses too.

In pets, the causes of colds are similar. There is not one specific virus, rather several different ones. There are also a range of infections and other problems that can cause cold like symptoms in pets too. Some are more serious than others, so it is important to treat your pet’s cold like symptoms with caution.

Can pets get colds?

Can pets catch colds from humans?

Can pets get colds?

If you have a cold yourself, you may be worried that you will pass it onto your pets. However, the good news is that this is not possible. Pets are not affected by the common cold virus that infects humans. 

Can dogs and cats get colds?

Pets cannot catch the common cold virus that infects humans. They can however get a range of viruses, infections and other problems that cause cold like symptoms such as coughing, sneezing and a runny nose. Generally, these issues are specific to your pet’s species so you cannot catch the same cold that your pet has either.  


What are cold like symptoms in dogs and cats?

Can pets get colds?

You may recognise the following common cold like symptoms in your pet:

  • Sneezing

  • Coughing

  • Running or congested nose

  • Watery eyes

These symptoms could simply be the result of a dog or cat cold virus. However, they could also be symptoms of a more serious viral infection such as kennel cough, canine influenza (dog flu), parainfluenza virus, bronchitis and canine distemper.

Please get in touch with your vet immediately if your dog or cat has any of these more serious symptoms:

  • Persistent, dry honking cough

  • Lethargy

  • Low grade fever

  • Loss of appetite

  • Pus like eye discharge

  • Vomiting and/or diarrhoea

  • Changes in normal behaviour

  • Difficulty breathing


Other causes of cold like symptoms in dogs and cats

Can pets get colds?

There are a range of health conditions that can trigger cold like symptoms in dogs and cats such as heart disease, lung problems, cancer and asthma.

Cold like symptoms could also be the result of a parasite infection, foreign object or inhaled irritants. Pets can suffer from seasonal and environmental allergies just like humans that can cause common cold like symptoms too.

As a general rule if your pets cold like symptoms come with any other concerning symptoms, it is best to get in touch with your vet.

When should I call the vet?

In most cases dog and cat colds are harmless and should go away within 1-2 weeks. If your dog or cat has only mild common cold symptoms and is eating and drinking as per normal and seems to have the same energy levels, simply monitor their health and they should be back to feeling normal within a few days to a week.

However, if they are off their food, not drinking, looking uncomfortable, having difficulty breathing or have any other concerning symptoms you should get in touch with your vet right away.

It’s important to be careful with younger and senior pets. Cats and dogs with other medical conditions are also at higher risk. If your pet falls into one of these categories, its best to make an appointment with your vet to have them checked out.  


How to prevent my pet getting a cold

Can pets get colds?

The best way to prevent colds in pets is to keep them away from other sick animals and keep your pet’s vaccinations up to date. Many vaccinations offered at Woofpurnay Veterinary Hospital can help to protect your pet from a range of upper respiratory diseases. For more information about vaccinations and your pet click here or call us on 03 8784 4444.

To prevent your pet’s cold from spreading to other pets in the household it is important to wash their water and food bowls regularly as well as their favourite toys. Water should be changed at least once a day. As always it is important to wash your own hands after interacting with your pets.

Feeding your pet a complete and balanced diet that has all the nutrients they need can help boost their immune system and potentially prevent them getting cold’s or help their system recover quickly. For advice on the best diet for your pet, speak with one of our vets in your next appointment.


If you are worried about your pets cold or if they have any concerning symptoms please get in touch with us on 03 8784 4444.

Belinda Vaughan