Meet our vet - Dr Ayesha Fernando

Have you met our vet Dr Ayesha Fernando?

Ayesha has been one of our caring vets for over 5 years. Learn more about her with these 4 fast facts!

1.    Ayesha graduated as a vet in 2000 from Sri Lanka and has since spent most of her career in small animal practices including animal welfare centres. She also has significant hands-on experience in large animal medicine.

2.    Ayesha worked in small animal practices and vet emergency centres in the South Eastern suburbs of Victoria immediately after completing her National Veterinary Examination in Australia. She has a keen interest in surgery and looks forward to undertaking further studies in this area.

3.    Outside of work Ayesha enjoys cooking and loves to be involved in cultural and religious activities in her leisure time.

4.    Ayesha has a gorgeous Jack Russell Terrier and his name is Danny.

Please say hello to Ayesha next time you are at the clinic and a big thankyou to Ayesha for looking after our wonderful clients for the past 5 years.   

Belinda Vaughan