Most dog owners have seen their beloved pet eating grass at some point in time, which can sometimes be followed by vomiting. You may be concerned that they are unwell, hungry, bored or worried that the grass may be bad for them.

You will be happy to know that grass eating is quite common and considered normal dog behaviour.

Why do dogs eat grass
Why do dogs eat grass

So why do dogs eat grass?

Because they like it – some dogs eat grass because they simply like the taste and texture.

To induce vomiting – dogs can also eat grass when their stomach is upset or gassy. The grass can help to induce vomiting and make them feel better.

Nutritional benefits – they may be eating grass to make up for a nutritional deficiency, as grass is high in dietary fibre. If you are not feeding your dog a complete and balanced diet, they may be eating grass to source some extra roughage.

Because they are bored – it is not uncommon for an anxious or bored dog to start eating grass. If your dog is alone all day in the backyard, they may be eating grass as a form of entertainment. To prevent boredom, make sure your dog has plenty of toys to entertain them during the day. They also need plenty of regular exercise and supervised playtime.

Why do dogs eat grass

Is it bad for my dog to eat grass?

Whilst it is normal behaviour, grass eating will not harm your dog. They only time you need to be concerned is:

When it becomes a regular habit – occasional grass eating isn’t a cause for concern. If they are compulsively eating grass on a regular basis, it is worth getting it checked out by one of our vets to address the underlying problem that’s causing the ongoing grazing behaviour.

If the grass is treated with pesticides or fertilisers  - they may keep our lawns healthy, but their ingredients can be dangerous if your pet ingests them. Call us immediately if your pet has swallowed anything poisonous.

Lawn clippings - never let your dog eat mowed lawn clippings as they can cause severe digestive disturbances.


If your dog is in a regular habit of eating grass or if you have any concerns about your pets health please get in touch with us on 03 8784 4444.